Event Promotion

Creating an integrated campaign to promote new non-surgical services

One of our Pacific Northwest clients added two new non-surgical services for patients over the summer--UltraShape for the body and Intraceuticals for facial rejuvenation. We collaborated to bring these new offerings to life through an integrated campaign that included Internet Marketing, Print Design, Event Promotion, Mall Signage, Website Coordination, and even Promotional Products in the following campaign.
FIRST: We communicated the new services to patients in an informative eblast that
included video, celebrity testimonials, B&A images and "Save the Date" event notifications.
NEXT: We developed a partnering print flyer and poster about the new services
to have in-office for patient distribution.
FIRST EVENT: UltraShape Ultra Night Out
Poster and eBlast
Promotional Products for UltraShape Event: H2O bottles were stuffed with goodies,
a logo'd pen and a coupon for an UltraShape / Intraceuticals joint offer.
SECOND EVENT: Intraceuticals Treatment Event Poster, flyer and eblast.
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