Annual Report and Corporate Signage

Art direct photography and design to tell the story of an inclusive and diversified workforce through their annual report and facility signage.

PROJECT 3: In a 2-week series of new work to celebrate surpassing 10,000 views on Behance. 
Inclusion and Diversity. These are the core messages Skills Inc. commuicates on an annual basis. They do it better than anyone else in the state of Washington. Their workforce manufactures and finishes highly complex aerospace parts to exacting standards. They manage to do this while maintaining two bottom lines--an enterprise mission AND a social mission--which coexist and fuel one another. 60% of their 500+ workforce
has an indentified disability and/or barrier to entry in the workforce. 
Skills has been a client for 10 years and each year I have the privilege to art direct a photoshoot of their amazing staff (in conjunction with Charles Cotugno Photgraphy). We use these assets to design their annual report and produce large-format corporate signage that's installed across four facilities and 100,000+ square feet of operations. I provide art/creative direction and brand/design oversight for their internal designer, Andrea Corey, to execute these tasks.
Updatable, large format acrylic installations to house spreads
from each year's annual report. One installation per facility, 
Annual Report Spreads
Series of large format signs spread across their
four facilities with affirmation statements
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